“As the curtain falls on another school year, I would like to thank you for your continued support. For those parents of pupils who left school on July 6th, I am conscious that many have a very long association with King’s, but whether it is twenty years or two, it is very sad to see you leave. Do stay in touch with the school community.

“The last few days of term were particularly busy, with over six hours of performance at the amazing Festival of Music and Dance, House Swimming, the Sword and Dagger assault course competition, goodbyes to the Year 13s, and a staff vs pupils cricket match. The Leavers’ Service in the Cathedral provided the perfect moment for pupils, parents, and teachers to pause and reflect on their time at King’s, before many celebrated in style at the Leavers’ Ball.

“I would like to thank the teaching body and the house staff who look after our pupils on a daily basis. I am also very grateful for the many unsung heroes who ensure the school day runs smoothly: classrooms cleaned; laundry washed; flowerbeds planted; food cooked; medics on hand; meals served; pitches prepared; exams invigilated; logistics organised; buildings unlocked; plumbing flowing; electricity connected; stuff fixed; buildings safe; medical centre staffed; offices ‘manned’; and, very importantly, the wi-fi working. Approximately 500 employees work at King’s, and together, everyone plays their part in enabling our children to learn and enjoy school.

“I would like to wish you all a very lovely holiday. We look forward to welcoming everyone back in September.”

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