“Our two children started life at King’s Ely when they joined King’s Ely Acremont and Nursery. Anna, when she was 2.5 years old and Matt, when he was 3 years old.

“We moved into the area when Anna was only 1 and visited King’s Ely during an open day. We were so impressed with the feel of the school that we signed up there and then, and looked at no other schools. Well, we have never regretted our decision! They are both now at King’s Ely Senior – Anna in Year 11 and Matt in Year 9.

“We have watched them both thrive at King’s Ely, transitioning between all sections of the school with ease. Each section nurtures them in different ways appropriate for the stage of schooling they are at. The teaching staff are fantastic and led by a very strong management team.

“Academically, Anna and Matt have been stretched, and they are both performing exceedingly well. But most importantly it is the all round approach at King’s Ely that is so appealing, ensuring they become well balanced, motivated, enthusiastic individuals. The opportunities available for them, with such a wide range of extra-curricular activities, is exceptional. Needless to say they both wish to stay at King’s Ely for Sixth Form.”

King’s Ely Senior parents, Dr Chaudhry and Dr Chaudhry

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