“The start of a new school year always brings fresh energy and excitement in anticipation of the year ahead. This was particularly evident at Tuesday’s Enrichment Extravaganza, where pupils were encouraged to discover the multitude of opportunities to get involved in new clubs and activities. Earlier in the day, we gathered in the Cathedral as a whole school community to mark the start of term, and to formally install the new team of Senior School Prefects and Heads of Houses.

“A highlight this week was undoubtedly visiting the Year 9s on their Ely Scheme outdoor activities camp at Bradfield Combust, south of Bury St Edmunds. To witness over 120 Year 9s led by ‘Pupil Instructors’ was hugely satisfying – above all there was a sense of joy, fun and community. Thank you to all the staff and pupils for leading and organising, and to parents for their support in getting ready for what has been a very busy first week!”

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