In which year group did you join King’s Ely?

I joined King’s Ely in Nursery 1, back in 2005.

What GCSE grades did you achieve this summer (2019)?

I got eight grade 9s, two grade 8s and an A in Further Maths.

Were you pleased with your results?

I was so pleased with my results! I worked really hard and I wanted to do well but I definitely did not expect to do as well as I did.

Were you well supported by your teachers in the lead up to your exams?

My teachers really helped me. They highlighted areas I needed to improve on after my mock exams and helped me to do this. I certainly would not have got the grades I did without their support.

Why have you chosen to stay at King’s Ely for Sixth Form, and what are you most looking forward to?

For me, King’s Ely is far more than just a school. I like the buildings and the sense of community during House competitions and events. As well as the academic help I get, Music is incredibly important for me and the Music department here is exceptional. I am most looking forward to being in the Old Palace and attending the school socials. It will be a change from the other sections of King’s Ely with different subject choices, which I am really looking forward to.

What A Level subjects are you going to be studying and, if you know this yet, what sort of career are you hoping to pursue?

I will study History, Latin and Philosophy of Religion and Ethics for A Level. I am not entirely sure what my career will be but Law and Academia are certainly options.

What extra-curricular and enrichment activities are you/have you been involved with at King’s Ely, and how do you feel this enhances your experience of school?

I have been in the school sports teams for Hockey, Netball and Cricket. I am currently enjoying the recent addition of running during the Games lessons, which is great fun. I have taken part in musicals at King’s Ely Junior and I am also a pupil instructor for Ely Scheme, where I get to enjoy instructing on Year 9 stage camps. I am currently working towards my Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, having completed the previous two awards. Most important for me is the Music department. I have played the cello since Year 2 and I will be taking my Grade 8 soon. I take part in many concerts and services in school orchestras, chamber groups and Chapel Choir.

In what ways do you think King’s Ely is different to other schools?

I think that the community feel and friendly rivalry within the Houses is important and this certainly comes across at the brilliant House events such as Martin Doyle, House Song and Sword and Dagger. The closeness between the different sections of the school is great and studying in such beautiful old buildings is an interesting insight into our history. Everyone is welcoming and kind, and eager to help one another, which creates a productive atmosphere for learning. I wouldn’t want to go to school anywhere else.

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