Superb A Level results for diligent King’s Ely students

August 10, 2021

KING’S Ely’s hardworking and resilient Year 13 students have achieved a fantastic set of A Level grades. Following what...

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Boarding at King’s Ely – Year 11 student, Heather Norris

August 9, 2021

What boarding house(s) have you been a student in at King’s Ely? I have been in two boarding houses...

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Ivana and Francesca victorious in Beyond the Frame 2021 photography competition

July 30, 2021

WE are delighted and proud to say that Year 11 King’s Ely Senior student, Ivana Peat, has been crowned...

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Resilient King’s Ely Senior students complete DofE expeditions before end of term

July 27, 2021

THE second half of the Summer Term saw more than 100 of our Senior students taking part in Bronze,...

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Fun aplenty as Power2Inspire founder, John Willis, returns to King’s Ely Junior

July 25, 2021

IT was fantastic to welcome John Willis, who is a friend of the school and founder of the charity,...

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Year 2 King’s Ely Acremont Pre-Prep families come together for End of Year Service

July 22, 2021

WE were so pleased to be able to welcome families of our Year 2 children along to an outdoor...

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King’s Ely trio are winners in East Cambridgeshire Schools’ Art Competition

July 22, 2021

CONGRATULATIONS to Old Elean, Christina Dong, and Year 13 students, Katie Wood and Molly Whymark, who were victorious in...

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Martha qualifies for Championships at Area 8 Horse Trials!

July 22, 2021

WE were delighted to support the Area 8 Horse Trials, hosted by Suffolk Hunt Pony Club, at National Trust...

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End of Term Leavers’ Service speech by Heads of School, Beth and Ben

July 20, 2021

OUR Heads of School, Ben Marshall and Beth Carberry, gave such a fantastic speech at our End of Term...

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Max is Cricket Club’s Player and Bowler of the Year

July 20, 2021

CONGRATULATIONS to King’s Ely Junior pupil, Max Wade-Gledhill, who has been crowned Burwell and Exning Cricket Club’s Under 13...

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