Ely Scheme students head to Norfolk to improve their navigation skills

March 25, 2020

TWENTY-two Year 9 students headed to Thetford, Norfolk, for Level 1 Hill Walking and Navigation training earlier this month...

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Girl power aplenty during netball weekend at Condover Hall!

March 24, 2020

WHAT a blast our Year 7 and 8 girls had during their Netball Trip to Condover Hall in Shropshire....

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Sixth Formers Lottie, Lucy and Tommy raise over £1,200 for Tearfund

March 23, 2020

CONGRATULATIONS to King’s Ely Sixth Formers, Lottie Ebbens, Lucy Lott and Tommy Hutchinson, for completing the Hampton Court Palace...

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King’s Ely goes all out to mark British Science Week!

March 23, 2020

WACKY experiments, fascinating lectures and some VIP guests saw King’s Ely celebrate British Science Week in style. Students and...

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A message from Jane Thomas, Vice Principal Academic (Whole School)

March 20, 2020

YESTERDAY (March 19th) in the Dining Hall, one of the Year 11 students came up to me and with...

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Etheldreda Entertains raises over £100 for care charity

March 20, 2020

‘ETHELDREDA Entertains’ – the annual, fun-filled evening of entertainment put on by Ely Cathedral Girls’ Choir – raised over...

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Robert competes in English Schools’ Cross Country Championships!

March 20, 2020

CONGRATULATIONS to Year 9 King’s Ely Senior student, Robert Banwell, for representing Cambridgeshire at the English Schools’ Cross Country...

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Memories of King’s Ely by Old Elean and renowned Jeweller, James Veale

March 20, 2020

“I joined King’s Ely as a weekly boarder, aged 11, and greatly enjoyed boarding in Priory House through to...

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Bravo! Ben on top form in French Drama Competition

March 19, 2020

YEAR 10 King’s Ely Senior student, Ben Kittoe, did himself and the school proud when he took part in...

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Ciara’s Hockey skills go from strength to strength

March 19, 2020

CONGRATULATIONS to King’s Ely Junior pupil, Ciara, who for the last couple of weeks has been representing the Cambridgeshire...

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