King’s Ely teacher becomes President of the Geographical Association

September 8, 2021

A TEACHER at King’s Ely has started his year as President of the Geographical Association (GA). Alan Parkinson, who...

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Gallery: Smiles and sunshine aplenty as pupils and staff kick off the Michaelmas Term

September 7, 2021

WELCOME back to school everyone – and a special welcome to all our new students and staff this term!...

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Fun aplenty as Power2Inspire founder, John Willis, returns to King’s Ely Junior

July 25, 2021

IT was fantastic to welcome John Willis, who is a friend of the school and founder of the charity,...

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Martha qualifies for Championships at Area 8 Horse Trials!

July 22, 2021

WE were delighted to support the Area 8 Horse Trials, hosted by Suffolk Hunt Pony Club, at National Trust...

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Max is Cricket Club’s Player and Bowler of the Year

July 20, 2021

CONGRATULATIONS to King’s Ely Junior pupil, Max Wade-Gledhill, who has been crowned Burwell and Exning Cricket Club’s Under 13...

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Happy retirement Linda!

July 19, 2021

ANOTHER member of staff who has retired this summer is the lovely Linda Hill, Head of Religious Studies at...

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Mr Boothroyd retires after 33 years at King’s

July 13, 2021

DAVID Boothroyd, Head of Physical Education at King’s Ely Junior, has retired after being a part of the King’s...

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Intrepid Year 8 students take on Humphries Challenge 2021!

July 13, 2021

QUEEN Emma were the winners of this year’s Humphries Challenge! The annual event takes place at King’s Ely Junior...

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A message from Richard Whymark, Head of King’s Ely Junior (July 9th)

July 12, 2021

“THANK you for all your kindnesses, encouragement, partnership and flexibility working alongside the team at school this year. Collectively...

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Prizes aplenty for Ely Cathedral Boy Choristers

July 8, 2021

OUR Ely Cathedral Boy Choristers and their families (in household safety bubbles) enjoyed a Prizegiving Ceremony after Evensong on...

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