Mrs Whymark’s beautiful crochet blanket features in Ely Cathedral Creative Covid Exhibition

August 28, 2020

YEAR 5 Teacher, Mrs Whymark, has made this beautiful crochet blanket during lockdown! Mrs Whymark’s wonderful creation is starring...

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Glorious sunshine for King’s Ely Junior’s action-packed Bubble Challenge!

July 14, 2020

KING’S Ely Junior’s ‘Bubble Challenge’ during the last week of term was filled with fun and blessed with beautiful...

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A message from Richard Whymark, Head of King’s Ely Junior

July 3, 2020

“WELL, what an incredible journey this term has provided! I think that all of us are more than ready...

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Year 8’s return to King’s Ely Junior for socially-distanced Humphries Challenge

June 30, 2020

WE were thrilled to welcome our Year 8 King’s Ely Junior students back into school on June 25th so...

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Year 6 celebrate National School Sport Week in style!

June 26, 2020

OUR Year 6 King’s Ely Junior pupils have been celebrating National School Sport Week in their Physical Education (PE)...

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King’s Ely Junior pupils enjoy lockdown ‘Spot the Maths’ challenges!

June 25, 2020

DURING lockdown, our Year 5 and 6 King’s Ely Junior pupils have been able to take part in Miss...

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Choristers and members of King’s Ely Junior Chamber Choir record (virtually!) beautiful tribute to the NHS

June 18, 2020

LAST week we gave you members of our Chapel Choir’s beautiful tribute to the NHS – ‘Like A Rainbow...

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Abigail’s Notre-Dame drawing takes pride of place in Paris!

June 11, 2020

EARLIER this year, after the terrible fire that partially destroyed the Notre-Dame, Michel Aupetit, Archbishop of Paris, asked children...

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Creative Oliver gives his grandparents’ old table a new lease of life!

June 10, 2020

INSPIRED by one of his and his family’s favourite television programmes, The Repair Shop, Year 7 King’s Ely Junior...

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A message from Richard Whymark, Head of King’s Ely Junior

June 5, 2020

“THE welcome return of infectious giggles and youthful exuberance meant that this week offered a wonderful new chapter for...

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