King’s Ely Sixth Former, Namo, a finalist in RECO Young Designer Competition

October 29, 2020

KING’S Ely Sixth Form student, Namo Sajarattanachote, has achieved great success in a prestigious fashion competition – RECO Young...

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Drama Workshop sees Senior thespians exploring Stanislavskian techniques and more

October 27, 2020

IN last week’s Senior Acting Technique Workshop, students in Years 9-13 continued to explore classical and contemporary pieces! One...

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A message from Jonathan Shaw, Head of King’s Ely Senior (October 23rd)

October 26, 2020

“AS this first half term draws to a close, I am incredibly grateful to pupils and staff for their...

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Eleanor delivers fascinating talk to fellow Sixth Form Historians

October 23, 2020

OUR Sixth Form History Discussion Group – An ‘Other’ Club – enjoyed a presentation and talk by Year 13...

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A Level Geographers enjoy field trip to North Norfolk

October 19, 2020

OUR Year 13 Geography students headed to North Norfolk on October 16th to complete some coastal fieldwork. Ed Pearson,...

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Grace secures place at Eckerd College to study Journalism

October 19, 2020

YEAR 13 leaver, Grace Curcio, has joined Eckerd College in Florida to study Journalism after achieving the A Level...

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A message from Jonathan Shaw, Head of King’s Ely Senior

October 16, 2020

“DESPITE the gloom of the national situation, this week at King’s Ely Senior has been a remarkably uplifting week...

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Eleanor to represent UK in 2020 Balkan Mathematical Olympiad

October 16, 2020

CONGRATULATIONS to King’s Ely Sixth Form student, Eleanor MacGillivray, who has been selected to represent the UK in an...

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Swimmers conquer 50 kilometre challenge in aid of Addenbrooke’s Charitable Trust

October 15, 2020

A GROUP of intrepid King’s Ely students swam the equivalent of the length of the Channel Tunnel on October...

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Performer and writer, Olwen Davies, puts Theatre Masterclass students through their paces!

October 15, 2020

OLWEN Davies – performer, writer and co-founder of LaPelle’s Factory Theatre Company – returned to King’s Ely on October...

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