‘Recreate a Portrait of a Famous Musician’ Competition goes down a storm!

June 11, 2020

THE winners of our ‘Recreate a Portrait of a Famous Musician’ Competition have been chosen! Director of Music, Neil...

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Run/Cycle Challenge proves popular with Senior students (and staff members!)

June 8, 2020

ALL King’s Ely Senior students are being encouraged to keep fit and active by taking part in a Run/Cycle...

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Students and staff take on King’s Ely Senior 5km Challenge!

May 28, 2020

THE results of the ‘King’s Ely Senior 5km Challenge’ are in! Mr Green and Miss Stewart launched the initiative...

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King’s Barbers record their first virtual session!

May 28, 2020

MEMBERS of our wonderful boys a cappella group, The King’s Barbers, (including some Old Elean Barbers!) have recorded their...

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Virtual Evensong featuring King’s Ely duo raises over £700,000 for charity

May 26, 2020

A STAR-STUDDED live broadcast of Choral Evensong featuring two King’s Ely pupils has attracted a global audience of 19,000...

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Old Eleans, Libby and Cecily, star in new mental health awareness single, Can You Hear Me?

May 19, 2020

RUPERT Gough and The Choir of Royal Holloway released a new single on May 18th, entitled ‘Can You Hear...

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Ben and his cricket teammates raise over £2,000 for Cambridgeshire Coronavirus Community Fund

May 18, 2020

CONGRATULATIONS to King’s Ely Junior pupil, Ben Alderton, and his CYC Under 12 cricket friends, for raising more than...

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King’s Ely Rowers launch epic 676.8 mile charity challenge!

May 12, 2020

OUR wonderful rowing students and staff have set themselves a special challenge this week to raise as much money...

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King’s Ely rowers help to raise over £5,000 for Addenbrooke’s Charitable Trust

April 22, 2020

MEMBERS of Isle of Ely Rowing Club have now raised more than £5,300 for the Addenbrooke’s Charitable Trust by...

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More awards for talented King’s Ely Photography students!

April 21, 2020

WE have some more very exciting news from the King’s Ely Photography Department to share with you! Three of...

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