North Norfolk is calling for wonderful Mr and Mrs Richard and Joanna Whymark, who have taken early “almost-retirement” after 16 dedicated years at King’s!

Richard, our Head of Prep, and Joanna, one of our Year 5 Teachers at Prep, have both given so much to our school community since they joined King’s in September 2008.

Richard and Joanna first met at University in Exeter, and they have been teaching by each other’s side for more than three decades. The positive impact that they have had on the thousands of young people who have been nurtured by them over the years at King’s Ely Prep, in Bath, Salisbury, and in Surrey, is quite remarkable. It is not just the children who are grateful for their time at King’s either, judging by comments written in their leaving cards by colleagues, parents/carers, and friends of our school.

Richard and Joanna’s two children, Bertie and Molly, also journeyed all the way through King’s, having joined Acremont Pre-Prep when the family moved to Ely. Having now both flown the nest to embark on their university careers, Richard and Joanna felt that the time had come for them to focus on completing some of their shared aspirations beyond their careers in education.

The whirlwind of special events and farewells that the end of the academic year always brings were extra poignant and emotional at Prep this year, knowing that they would be Richard and Joanna’s last.

Highlights included a group of staff bursting into song and surprising the couple with a fun rendition of ABBA’s ‘Waterloo’, skilfully re-written to be all about the Whymarks, at the end of Prep’s annual Summer Celebration, and reprised during Prep’s End of Year Assembly. As everyone clapped our leaving Year 8 pupils out from the Sports Hall on their final day, the children then turned to form a tunnel for Richard and Joanna to follow them through as they left the school too!

Richard, who is renowned for his compassion, resilience, witty humour, and love of art, said: “What an honour it has been to be at King’s since September 2008. We have felt privileged to enjoy the responsibility for, and the embrace of, the Prep community and we will miss the school enormously. What is clear from all that has been said and celebrated with the children in the lead up to the end of term, is that they love their school and the richness of opportunity available. Long may that be the case and thank you again most sincerely for your kindness, understanding, and encouragement over the last 16 years. Joanna and I were overwhelmed to receive a very generous gift on behalf of parents, and we would like to offer our heartfelt gratitude to all who contributed. With every good wish for the future – to the children, your families, the school, and the wonderful team we have worked alongside at King’s.”

Joanna, whose patient approach, infectious smile, commitment to her pupils, and deep love of Maths, will be missed by the many children who will never forget her “groovy dates”, her favourite number (56), and the banishing of any reference to “easy Maths”, along with her constant kindness and a good knit and natter!

The Whymarks, including their black Labrador, Swanton, are looking forward to living within walking distance of the sea in Norfolk, and spending time together as a family during their next chapter of life.

As most of you will know, Mr Simon Kibler has been appointed to be Richard’s successor as Head of Prep from September 2024. Simon is currently Headmaster of Terrington Hall Prep School, which is located just outside York. Married to Kate, they have four children, two of whom are still at school.

We look forward to sharing more information about the Kiblers with you all soon once they have moved and settled into their Ely home.

Richard said: “The future is set to be an exciting time for King’s. Joanna and I look forward to learning how Simon Kibler and the team will shape the next chapter of development at King’s Ely Prep. The school is in good heart and will no doubt offer Simon, Kate, and their family a warm welcome over the coming months.”

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