‘Is it important for young people to do National Service?’ was the motion of our eagerly-anticipated Debating Competition Finals at King’s Ely Prep.

Years 7 and 8 pupils packed inside the Morbey Hall to support the event on June 28th. The adjudicators were Dr Daniel Gabelman, Head of English at King’s Ely Senior; Dr Daisy Knox, Teacher of Classics at King’s Ely Senior; and Dr Stephen Church, Head of Key Stage 2 Maths at King’s Ely Prep.

The proposing team, who argued for the motion, were Chloe, Orla, and Isabell. Opposing the motion were Jason and Alexander. Both teams argued their points with confidence, eloquence, and passion, however after much deliberation, Jason and Alexander were declared this year’s Prep Debating Competition winners!

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