King’s Ely Acremont Pre-Prep’s ‘End of Year Service’ was a wonderful way to celebrate and reflect on what has been another hugely successful and action-packed year for our youngest Eleans!

The event, held at Ely Cathedral, was also the perfect opportunity for our Year 2 classes to receive their leavers’ books from The Principal, Mr John Attwater, and for families, staff, and friends to wish them well for the next chapter of their journey; for whom the majority we are pleased to say it will be King’s Ely Prep in September.

There were many laugh out loud moments as Year 2s read out some of their fondest Acremont memories. Head of Acremont Pre-Prep, Mrs Faye Fenton-Stone, addressed the congregation; readings were given by Mr Attwater and members of Acremont’s School Council; prayers were led by six of our Year 2 children, and Year 2s also sang ‘Lean On Me’, with Mr Peter North, who is our Head of Vocal Studies. A beautiful moment was when a group of Sixth Form students joined them to sing under The Octagon!

Mrs Fenton-Stone said: “Always a special and emotionally charged occasion, our service celebrated the achievements, learning, trips, and events that have shaped an enjoyable and memorable year. It was also an occasion to bid a fond farewell to Year 2 and other pupils who leave Acremont for the next stage in their education. Be this at King’s Ely Prep from September, or further afield, we wish all our friends the very best of luck in their new adventures. We also said a heartfelt goodbye to Mrs Melanie Jones and Mr Richard Whymark, who after many years of dedication to King’s, step away to enjoy exciting new opportunities and travels. Our colleagues were presented with an Acremont Rose to remember us fondly.”

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