Congratulations to King’s Ely Prep pupil, Lucy, for her fantastic success at the British Showjumping Winter Pony Finals!

Lucy and her pony, Frigowny Fairqueen (whose pet name is Fairy), won the ‘Under 10s Style and Performance’ class at the prestigious competition, which was held at South View Competition and Training Centre in Cheshire.

Lucy and Fairy qualified for the finals at the Winter Pony Premier shows earlier this year. In the finals, there were twenty riders in her class. They all jumped two rounds over a course that was up to 1-metre in height, with marks being awarded for each fence and any penalties being deducted from their total score.

Lucy, who is in Year 5, has had ponies since she was two-years-old. This was her first national finals, so it is her biggest showjumping achievement to date!

Lucy competed a second pony, Killaloe Gypsy, in the Winter Pony Shows. She qualified her for the Under 10s and Under 11s finals, but she could only ride one pony in the Style and Performance Final.

The Summer Pony Premiers have just started, which gain qualifications for the British Showjumping National Finals at Stoneleigh in August. Lucy has already qualified for the Steppings Stones Final and she hopes to maintain her position in the Bronze League to jump in that final too. She will also be competing at the Welsh Home Pony Show at the end of July to try and gain a place on the Under 10 team event, which she also did with Fairy last year to finish second as a team.

A brilliant achievement, Lucy – we are excited to follow your equestrian progress over the coming weeks and months!

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