Yesterday (Thursday 6th July), was an emotional one here at King’s.

For the vast majority of our pupils, the last day of term meant exuberance for the adventures, experiences, (and lie-ins!) that the summer holidays bring.

However for some students, this excitement was tinged with a genuine sense of sadness. Our Year 2 children spent their final day at Acremont Pre-Prep, our Year 8 pupils have now left King’s Ely Junior; and our Year 13 students had their final ever ‘school day’ at King’s, which was an emotional realisation for many of them at our End of Year Cathedral Service.

Some of our Year 13s have been at King’s for a couple of years, and some of them have been with us since joining Nursery more than a decade ago. However long they have been with us, we are very sad to see them leave. We hope that they had a fabulous time at the Leavers Ball, and we also hope that they stay in touch – our doors are always open!

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