King’s Ely Clay Pigeon Shooting Club still getting in plenty of practice!

October 29, 2020

DESPITE the current circumstances, members of the King’s Ely Clay Pigeon Shooting Club have still been able to do...

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Heads of Junior Boarding Houses receive their badges

October 29, 2020

KING’S Ely Junior’s Heads of Boarding Houses were awarded their badges by our Principal, John Attwater, before half term....

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King’s Ely Sixth Former, Namo, a finalist in RECO Young Designer Competition

October 29, 2020

KING’S Ely Sixth Form student, Namo Sajarattanachote, has achieved great success in a prestigious fashion competition – RECO Young...

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Memories of King’s Ely by Old Elean and renowned musician, James Mitchell

October 28, 2020

OLD Elean, James Mitchell, has been crowned a winner in the 2020 Royal College of Organists (RCO) Composition Competition....

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Road in Ely to close during necessary tree preservation work in Old Palace Gardens

October 28, 2020

VITAL tree preservation work being carried out in the gardens of Ely’s Old Palace will result in a road...

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Drama Workshop sees Senior thespians exploring Stanislavskian techniques and more

October 27, 2020

IN last week’s Senior Acting Technique Workshop, students in Years 9-13 continued to explore classical and contemporary pieces! One...

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A message from Jonathan Shaw, Head of King’s Ely Senior (October 23rd)

October 26, 2020

“AS this first half term draws to a close, I am incredibly grateful to pupils and staff for their...

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A message from Richard Whymark, Head of King’s Ely Junior (October 23rd)

October 26, 2020

“HALF term arrives this evening to offer the children a very well-earned rest from routine. The first half of...

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A message from Faye Fenton-Stone, Head of King’s Ely Acremont (October 23rd)

October 26, 2020

“THE first half of the Michaelmas Term is well known in teacher circles as the longest and sometimes hardest,...

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Eleanor delivers fascinating talk to fellow Sixth Form Historians

October 23, 2020

OUR Sixth Form History Discussion Group – An ‘Other’ Club – enjoyed a presentation and talk by Year 13...

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