King’s Ely Rowers compete at Bedford 4’s and 8’s Head

February 11, 2019

KING’S Ely’s Year 9-13 Rowers raced at the Bedford 4’s and 8’s Head on February 10th. The first races...

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King’s Ely Junior pupils’ puppetry skills put to the test!

February 7, 2019

DIANA Bayliss from Black Cat Theatre visited King’s Ely Junior to run a fascinating Indian shadow puppet workshop and...

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Performing Arts Award for King’s Ely Junior’s Molly

February 7, 2019

YEAR 5 King’s Ely Junior pupil Molly Wiehahn has successfully completed her Level 3 Stagecoach Performing Arts Award. Congratulations...

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Work of King’s Ely designers to feature in Embroiders’ Guild exhibition

February 6, 2019

SKILLFUL Fashion and Textiles students from King’s Ely are excited to be showcasing their designs at the Embroiderers’ Guild...

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King’s Barbers to have their voices heard the other side of the world!

February 6, 2019

KING’S Ely’s award-winning boys a cappella group – the King’s Barbers – are being given a once in a...

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New Visiting Speakers programme for Sixth Form students gets underway

February 5, 2019

MOLLIE Charge from London’s New College of the Humanities visited King’s Ely on February 1st as part of our...

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Etheldreda Entertains concert raises hundreds of pounds for school charities

February 5, 2019

THANK you to everyone who supported Ely Cathedral Girls’ Choir’s Etheldreda Entertains cabaret evening on February 1st. The girls...

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King’s Ely and Gresham’s students join forces for International Debate

February 5, 2019

KING’S Ely enjoyed welcoming students from Gresham’s School along for our International Debate. The motion was ‘This house believes...

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King’s Ely Rowers victorious at Peterborough Head of the Nene

February 4, 2019

KING’S Ely Rowers were on top form at the Peterborough Head of the Nene competition on February 2nd –...

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GCSE Drama students enjoy day at Royal Shakespeare Company

February 1, 2019

KING’S Ely’s GCSE Drama students visited the Royal Shakespeare Company on January 30th to see the matinee performance of...

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