2023 Italy Tour – Ely Cathedral Girls’ Choir and Sixth Form Choral Scholars

February 17, 2023

Our Ely Cathedral Girl Choristers and Sixth Form Choral Scholars spent the first five days of half term delighting...

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Keira’s work experience placement with our Sports Department

February 16, 2023

We were delighted to welcome Sixth Form student, Keira Kemp, to King’s for her work experience placement! Keira, who...

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Year 5s enjoy action-packed and safety-focused ‘Bikeability Week’!

February 16, 2023

Bicycle helmets and high-vis vests were worn with pride at King’s Ely Junior last week. We welcomed instructors from...

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Sixth Form students deliver brilliant History Café presentation

February 16, 2023

A team of our A Level Historians delivered February’s History Café discussion with superb energy and professionalism. Sixth Form...

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King’s Ely Acremont Pre-Prep leads Whole School Mid-Term Service at Ely Cathedral

February 14, 2023

King’s Ely Acremont Pre-Prep did a magnificent job of leading our Whole School Mid-Term Service at Ely Cathedral. Standing...

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Under 16As reach Finals at Ipswich School’s Rugby 7s Tournament

February 14, 2023

Our Under 16As had a fantastic time at Ipswich School’s Rugby 7s Tournament on February 12th – and they...

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Gallery: Book Share Afternoon at King’s Ely Acremont Pre-Prep

February 13, 2023

Our King’s Ely Acremont Pre-Prep pupils were beside themselves with excitement when their parents, family members and carers came...

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A message to parents and carers from Jonathan Shaw, Head of King’s Ely Senior (February 10th)

February 11, 2023

“Mrs Bennell, Head of Sixth Form, reminded the Year 13s yesterday to take a balanced approach to their revision...

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A message to parents and carers from Richard Whymark, Head of King’s Ely Junior (February 10th)

February 11, 2023

“Yesterday, this section of King’s Ely voted for the charities they wished to support throughout 2023. Each House had...

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A message to parents and carers from Faye Fenton-Stone, Head of King’s Ely Acremont Pre-Prep (February 10th)

February 11, 2023

“In typical Acremont fashion, this half term has concluded with an energetic, happy, and positive flourish! Drenched in winter...

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