Women’s 35 England Touch Rugby Squad visit King’s ahead of European Champs!

July 12, 2022

WE were delighted to welcome members of the Women’s 35 England Touch Rugby Squad to our Amherst Field for...

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Geography and Government and Politics students enjoy trip to Northern Ireland

July 11, 2022

THIRTY-nine of our Geography and Government and Politics students have recently returned from a four-day adventure in Northern Ireland....

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Pupils achieve haul of Distinctions and Merits in Trinity College London exams

July 11, 2022

OUR pupils’ latest Trinity College London Speech and Drama examination results are in! Twelve students across King’s Ely Junior...

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A message from Richard Whymark, Head of King’s Ely Junior (July 8th)

July 8, 2022

“THE term came to an end with the fitting formality of the whole school Cathedral Service this morning but...

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A message from Jonathan Shaw, Head of King’s Ely Senior (July 8th)

July 8, 2022

“IT was a delight to celebrate with pupils and parents at the Sixth Form Leavers’ Midsummer Ball last night....

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A message from Faye Fenton-Stone, Head of King’s Ely Acremont Pre-Prep and Nursery (July 8th)

July 8, 2022

“AS the dust settles on the Summer Term and this academic year, the thanks have been given, the books...

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Gallery: Huge team effort to make Year 13 Leavers’ Ball a show-stopper!

July 8, 2022

SOME photos from last night’s (July 7th’s) ‘Leavers’ Ball’ for our Year 13 students and their families! Events like...

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Senior History students explore London’s Old Operating Theatre Museum and Imperial War Museum

July 7, 2022

OUR Year 10 Historians had an action-packed day in London this week! Fifty enthusiastic GCSE History students visited the...

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Extended wildflower garden is a haven for bees and butterflies

July 6, 2022

ISN’T the wildflower garden down on Allotment Field near the assault course looking brilliant! Some of you may remember...

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Oliver secures first place and new personal best at National Preparatory Schools’ Athletics Championships

July 6, 2022

KUDOS to King’s Ely Junior pupil, Oliver Loveday, for his victory at the National Preparatory Schools’ Athletics Championships! Oliver,...

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