Rollercoasters and horseracing were the themes of our Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Day for Year 6 King’s Ely Prep pupils!

The action-packed enrichment day dedicated to STEM learning took place on May 9th. Some Year 6s visited Huntingdon Racecourse to take part in the Racing to School educational experience, while others took on the ‘Great Rollercoaster Challenge’ in the Morbey Hall.

At the racecourse, pupils learnt about some of the different Mathematics involved in horse racing, such as how jockeys are weighed in the weighing room and the history and use of different units of measurement; working out safe distances for the horses in the parade ring by calculating mean, mode, median and range; and spending time studying how a jockey’s equipment and lead weights are used to make races fair and exciting.

Mr Stephen Church, Head of Key Stage 2 Maths at King’s Ely Prep, said: “Pupils were also able to go on to the track and study how the different fences and jumps are constructed. They had a race following the handicap rules. The day finished with the pupils trackside, watching an exciting race. Thank you to the Racing to School charity for running the course, and to Huntingdon Racecourse for being so accommodating.”

Racing to School offers free education programmes to school pupils at racecourses, trainers’ yards, and studs across the UK. A spokesperson said: “The programme offers unique behind the scenes access, making the learning experience a special one which the young people want to engage in. Most pupils have never been racing prior to their Racing to School day, so the experience catches their attention, inspires them to want to understand more, and increases the likelihood of them absorbing and retaining what they have learnt.”

Students who did not go on the trip, took on the ‘Great Rollercoaster Challenge’ in the Morbey Hall.

Mr Church said: “Pupils evaluated a pre-made marble run kit, and then designed and began construction of their own rollercoasters out of nothing but card – not an easy task! There was great teamwork and some splendid design ideas on show from all pupils involved. They will now work on improving and adding to their designs so that they can display them at the end of term Summer Celebration for you all to enjoy.”

A day jam-packed with learning, creativity, teamwork, and fun – thank you to our Prep Staff for organising such enriching activities!



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