Jo Baldwin, who is Director of the company, Fiscorum Financial Intelligence, visited us shortly before the end of term as part of our Sixth Form Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) programme.

Fiscorum Financial Intelligence runs a series of Money+ workshops and presentations, designed to prepare Sixth Form students for their financial life at university and beyond.

Jo presented to and worked with our students in Years 12 and 13; covering topics such as budgeting, banking, debt, and saving.

Jo Baldwin, centre, with Nia Baird (Head of School), left, and Tabitha Lacey (School Prefect), right.

The Sixth Form experience at King’s is so much more than just studying for A Levels. Our aim is not only to prepare students for a place at their first choice university or institution, but to empower each individual and to help equip them for what this ever-changing world might throw at them.

Discover more about King’s Ely Sixth Form by coming to our next Open Event on Saturday 13th May. To book your place or for more information, please visit: or call our Admissions Team on (01353) 660707.


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