Old Eleans

King's Ely School Information

Old Eleans

Leaving King's Ely is the start of a lifelong connection as a valued member of the Old Elean community.

Stay connected with Old Eleans and King's Ely.

With special events, reunions, and opportunities to support the School, you can remain actively involved and stay a part of the King's Ely family you cherish.

Support Us 

We have a vibrant community of OEs who support the school financially, and through their time and expertise. 


Alumni Events 

We host events in the UK and internationally. For details on upcoming events and reunions, we invite you to join our online alumni platform.




Could you help?
  • Offer work experience opportunities
  • Mentor a student
  • Speak with prospective students at Open Events
  • Deliver a lecture or share your industry knowledge
  • Write a blog post on your area of expertise

These are just a few ways you can make a difference. We’d love to hear your ideas and explore how you can contribute.


Donate to King's Ely 1541 Bursery  


For as little as £15.41 a month, you can help provide essential funding to the school bursery, enabling us to offer opportunities to talented students.

There are many ways you can support King's Ely, from matched giving and payroll donations to gifts of shares. However, the simplest way to contribute is by making a donation online. 

Your support truly makes a difference – every gift, no matter the size, has an impact.


Share your Stories 


Whether you've landed your dream job, discovered a new passion, or explored the world, we'd love to hear about it. Your stories will inspire, inform, and enrich the King's Ely community.



To stay up to date with our latest news, please update your contact details on our Alumni Platform – a space for alumnae to reconnect, share updates, and support one another.


Old Elean Committee 

Joanna Dick: President Elect 

Marc Hawes: Ex President 

Robert LeGrice: Treasurer

Rosie Holliday: Hon Secretary

John Attwater: The Principal, King's Ely 

Trevor Bedford: Ex President, Charitable Trustee

Kim Charter: Ex President 

Mark Wilkinson: Ex-President, Charitable Trustee

Roy Wood: Ex President, Charitable Trustee

Felix Hawes: Charitable Trustee 

Phoebe Bradbury 

Andrew Aus

Richard Slogrove: Patron 

Honorary Old Eleans

Tony Bland: Former Teacher 

Felicity Blake: Former Head of Acremont & Director of Recruitment & Communications

David Boothroyd: Former Teacher 

James Bowman: Patron & OE 

Michael Bright: Former Chairman of Governors

Celia Burgess: Former Teacher

Lord Browne of Madingley: Former Governors, Patron &OE 

Graham Clarke: Former Maintenance Manager 

Peggy Cinnamond: Former Techer 

Nigel Clarke: Former Estates Bursar 

Jayne Mackay: Former Teacher 

Margaret Coleman: Former Staff - Catering 

Piers Coutts: Former Teaching & Business Manager 

Jerry Dale: Former Teacher 

Charlotte Dean: Former Teacher 

Richard Emms: Former Teacher 

Roger Firkins: Former Master of Junior School 

Michael Fox: Former Teacher 

Sue Freestone: Former Principal & Patron 

Simon Gibson: Benefactor 

Graham Griggs: Former Teacher

Jenny Hoare: Former Teacher 

David Hodgson: Former Teacher 

Shirley Jolly: Former Catering Manager 

Anthony Kelly: Former Maintenance Manager 

Elizabeth Knibb: Former Vice Principal 

David Kittson: Former Teacher 

John Marshall: Former Teacher 

John Mascall: Former Teacher 

Ian Matheson: Former Second Master & Patron 

Ian McWhinney: Former Teacher 

Steven Merrell: Former Teacher 

Rosemary Morbey: Former Staff Administration 

Nick Nicholas: Former Teacher 

Hazel Nuttall: Former Exams Administrator 

Nigel Ovens: Former Teacher 

Graham Parry: Former Deputy Head of Senior School 

Wendy Pitt: Former Teacher 

Bridget Pope: Former Teacher 

Richard Powell: Former Teacher 

Kim Prior: Fromer Teacher 

Nigel Reckless: Former Teacher 

Jeff Riley: Former Teacher 

Elizabeth Sayers: Former Staff & Former Hon Sec OE's

Jean Schaniel: Former Teacher 

Neil Shanaeey: Former Teacher 

Richard Slogrove: Former Chairman of Governors, Patron, and OE 

Susan Stirrup: Former Teacher 

James Tilly: Former Teacher, Ex OE President 

Sheila Wade-Smith: Former Domestic Supervisor 

Hubert Ward: Former Headmaster 

Mark Wilkinson: Former Teacher 

Arther Willis: Former Teacher

Lesley Wilson: Former HsM of Torfida

Helen Wright: Former Teacher 

Richard Youdale: Former Headmaster 

The Very Rev Dr M Chandler: Former Governor 


EXPLORE School information


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