A Level Geography

Kings Ely sixth form


A Level Geography

Students learn to ‘think as geographers’ as they explore the inter-relationships between people and environments.


Students develop a set of skills that will be tremendously valuable and make them stand out as they progress to higher education and the workplace.

Geography is the science and the humanity of the curriculum, explaining how places and landscapes are formed, how people and their environments interact, and how a diverse range of economies, societies and environments are interconnected in the ‘global village’ of today.

The Geography specification enables students to explore contemporary geographical issues in the context of physical geography, human geography and a synoptic investigation.

Furthermore, in discussing issues ranging from tectonic disaster responses to actions taken to tackle global warming, our students develop essential analytical and decision-making skills.

In designing and carrying out their own geographical investigation, our students develop key skills in project management, qualitative and quantitative research, fieldwork, data analysis and report writing.


Minimum grade 6 in Geography or a related subject at GCSE.

Topic Overview


Physical - Dynamic Landscapes, Physical Systems and Sustainability

  • Tectonic Processes and Hazards; Coastal Landscapes and Change; The Water Cycle and Water Insecurity; The Carbon Cycle and Energy Security. 

Human - Dynamic Places, Human Systems and Geopolitics

  • Globalisation; Diverse Places; Superpowers; Global Development and Connections - Migration, Identity and Sovereignty.

Synoptic Investigation

  • Investigation of a geographical issue affecting a place, linked to 3 synoptic themes: players; attitudes and actions; futures and uncertainties.

Independent Investigation

  • Investigation, including fieldwork and research, of a question or issue, relating to any aspect of Geography studied at A Level.


  • In order to develop practical fieldwork skills and enrich their understanding of Geographical landscapes, our students all complete at least four days of fieldwork in both physical and human landscapes near and far. This includes trips to Mill Road and East London to explore diverse urban places and a residential trip to a coastal landscape.


Physical - Dynamic Landscapes, Physical Systems and Sustainability

  • 105 marks - 2 hour 15 minutes written paper.
  • 30% of total A Level.

Human - Dynamic Places, Human Systems and Geopolitics

  • 105 marks - 2 hour 15 minutes written paper.
  • 30% of total A Level.

Synoptic Investigation

  • 70 marks - 2 hour 15 minutes written paper.
  • 20% of total A Level. 

Independent Investigation

  • 70 marks - 4,000 word written report (coursework).
  • 20% of total A Level. 

Geography A Level Exam Specification



Barry John 







Emma Munden 


"I have been the Head of Department here at King's Ely since 2022. Originally from the South Wales Valleys, I studied Geology at Bristol and teaching at Cambridge before spending the first 17 years of my career teaching at international schools in China, Ukraine, Spain, The UAE and Thailand.
While studying Geology I took a particular interest in soil science and hydrogeology and have really enjoyed discussing some the practical side of these issues where the Geography course covers matters directly relevant to our agricultural community."


"I am originally from Newcastle but have been living and teaching geography in Cambridgeshire since 2019. I studied a BA in Geography at Newcastle University with a focus on social and cultural geography. In my free time I have spent a lot of time travelling and have visited some amazing places across the world, but I also enjoy reading a good book, watching a documentary (usually David Attenborough) or doing something crafty. I think that studying geography is vital in learning more about our world and its future challenges and I hope to empower my students to be better informed about our world. 

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