Kings Ely sixth form
A Level Geography
Students learn to ‘think as geographers’ as they explore the inter-relationships between people and environments.
Geography is the science and the humanity of the curriculum, explaining how places and landscapes are formed, how people and their environments interact, and how a diverse range of economies, societies and environments are interconnected in the ‘global village’ of today.
The Geography specification enables students to explore contemporary geographical issues in the context of physical geography, human geography and a synoptic investigation.
Furthermore, in discussing issues ranging from tectonic disaster responses to actions taken to tackle global warming, our students develop essential analytical and decision-making skills.
In designing and carrying out their own geographical investigation, our students develop key skills in project management, qualitative and quantitative research, fieldwork, data analysis and report writing.
Prerequisite |
Minimum grade 6 in Geography or a related subject at GCSE. |
Topic Overview |
Physical - Dynamic Landscapes, Physical Systems and Sustainability
Human - Dynamic Places, Human Systems and Geopolitics
Synoptic Investigation
Independent Investigation
Assessment |
Physical - Dynamic Landscapes, Physical Systems and Sustainability
Human - Dynamic Places, Human Systems and Geopolitics
Synoptic Investigation
Independent Investigation