We and our Newmarket-based sister school, Fairstead House School and Nursery, had such a wonderful day at G’s Open Farm Sunday on June 11th!

The theme of this year’s Open Farm Sunday was ‘Community’ and, as ever, G’s ensured that the event was affordable for all, by both admission and parking being free. The family fun day was raising money for the East Anglian Air Ambulance Charity – a charity that we are delighted to support by having a stand at the event.

Members of staff from both King’s and Fairstead House ran various activities throughout the day. Year 10 King’s Ely Senior students, FiFi Keenan and Ivy Trueman, joined forces with Mrs Herring to paint children’s faces; little ones were able to decorate duck egg ‘Uniquely King’s’ crowns with colourful jewels; and Mr Day took along some of his adorable baby bunnies, which proved a hit with the crowds again.

King’s and Fairstead House are independent schools that are very much at the heart of their local communities. It was fantastic to have lots of current pupils and families joining in on the Open Farm Sunday fun, but also to be able to offer free activities for everyone to enjoy!

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