Wednesday 21st June was ‘Move-Up Morning’ for all of our King’s Ely Acremont Nursery, Acremont Pre-Prep, and Junior pupils!

For the majority of the children, the annual Summer Term event was geared around the next chapter of their King’s journey – activities and games with who their new teachers, teaching assistants, and tutors will be come September, as well as seeing their soon-to-be classrooms and play areas.

We expect the morning was a little more daunting for those children who are joining us in the Michaelmas Term from other schools, but it was wonderful to see our current pupils taking their new friends under their wing, and making sure everyone felt at ease.

For our Year 7 pupils who will be in Year 8 come September, a series of fun House Challenges were organised.

Mr Oliver; Housemaster of Queen Emma, Mrs Petherick; Housemistress of Goodwin, Mr Parratt; Housemaster of Queen Philippa, and Mrs Kippax; Housemistress of Saunders, organised a whole host of different activities, all of which were designed to prepare students for their final year at King’s Ely Junior, and the additional responsibilities and leadership opportunities available to them in Year 8.

Challenges included completing mystery puzzles; working in small teams to create cranes with electromagnets that could transfer paper clips from one tray to another; discussions about our Buddy Scheme, which sees Year 8s being paired up with Year 3 children to help support them as they settle in; physical challenges to test pupils’ coordination and communication skills; and treasure hunts with clues leading students to different locations around the school site!

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