Students at King’s Ely have achieved excellent GCSE results, with over a quarter of all grades being the highest 9s-8s, equivalent to the old A*.

Pupils’ hard work and determination, combined with unwavering support from their teachers and families, has resulted in a 95% pass rate, with almost a half of results at Grades 9-7 (the old A*-A). Their results successfully propel virtually all candidates onto the Sixth Form courses of their choice, with a large majority of students choosing to stay at King’s Ely for A-Levels.

These GCSE results come just a week after almost all of King’s Ely’s Year 13 students, who were aiming for university, achieved the grades needed to secure places at their first choice. This year, Sixth Form leavers will be studying at 46 different institutions, not just in the UK, but across the globe, and in courses as diverse as Medicine to Acting.

Jonathan Shaw, Head of King’s Ely Senior, said: “Congratulations and well done to everyone who received their GCSE exam results today. As a school, we are delighted with the very many individual stories of success, where pupils have exceeded their own personal expectations. Many have exceptional results by any benchmark, and we are very proud of their achievements. I am extremely grateful to our teachers who frequently go the extra mile to help pupils in their preparation for these exams, and to our parents for their patience and support throughout the exam season.

“Exam results are only one aspect of school life, and I am conscious that many pupils excel in other areas beyond the classroom. Regardless of any individual outcome today, I am confident all pupils are prepared with both the values and skills for the next step in their educational journey. We are particularly pleased that the vast majority of Year 11 pupils are staying at King’s Ely to continue their Sixth Form studies; we will have our largest ever Sixth Form in this coming academic year. I look forward to welcoming everyone back in September and to those who are leaving, I wish them all the very best for the next stage of their studies.”

Two King’s Ely students have achieved all Grade 9s in their full courses this year – congratulations to Anna Ost and Charlotte Senior.

Sixteen pupils are celebrating achieving Grades 9-8 in at least seven of their subjects. Congratulations to: Harriet Bailey, Polly Casey, Ciara Comley, Yanki Ertem, Leo Good, Thomas Hensman, Anya Hjaltun-Rayner, Eleanor Kittoe, Edward Lacey, Wing Man Lai, Angus MacPherson, Alexander New, Sophie Parsons, Imogen Ryan, Zara Stevens, and Edith Thomson.

Edward Lacey joined King’s Ely Prep in Year 7. He will be studying Biology, Chemistry, and Religious Studies at A-Level, and hopes to go on to study Veterinary Science at university. Edward said: “I am very pleased with my results, and I am looking forward to Sixth Form here at King’s. It will be great to study subjects that I really enjoy, in a fantastic environment, and with teachers who are all so dedicated. I love the Sports Department here at King’s too, and I am looking forward to wearing a suit every day!”

Eleanor (Nell) Kittoe is studying History, English Literature, Maths, and Textiles for her A-Levels. She joined King’s Ely Prep in Year 5. Nell said: “I am not entirely sure what I want to do career wise yet, but probably something involving Textiles and/or English; something creative. That is what I love about King’s – everything is creative, the Textiles Department is amazing, the classes are small, and my teachers all know exactly how I learn best.”

Leo Good joined King’s Ely Nursery in 2009. He hopes to pursue a career in banking or law, and is studying Maths, Further Maths, History, and Politics at A-Level. Leo said: “I worked hard for my GCSEs, but I am still pleasantly surprised with my results. I am excited for Sixth Form at King’s. I am an Ely Scheme Outdoor Education Instructor here, so I am looking forward to continuing with that, as well as studying with great people in a brilliant environment.”

As is reflective of an all-round, enriched education, King’s Ely students have studied and achieved in a wide variety of GCSE subjects. Creative subjects, for which King’s Ely is internationally renowned, were strong once again this year, with 100% of students securing Grades 9-7 in Music and Latin, and 100% of students achieving Grades 9-6 in Drama and Theatre, Textiles, and Fine Art.

Over half of students’ results in Chemistry, Biology, Maths, Further Maths, History, and Spanish were at least a Grade 7.

Thirty pupils from all corners of the globe also received their results today having studied the one-year IGCSE programme at King’s Ely. The two-term intensive course sees young people studying in their non-native speaking language, and the average number of subjects taken is six. King’s Ely is delighted to report another excellent set of IGCSE grades, with more than a quarter of results achieved being Grades 9-8.

Special mention must go to Allison Chiu, who achieved Grade 9s in all seven of her GCSE subjects, which includes Spanish; her third language. Kevin Cheung, Alina Savchuk, and David Lin achieved an average of Grade 8.8 across their GCSE subjects. Eighteen of King’s Ely’s IGCSE students are staying at the school for their A-Level studies.



John Attwater, Principal of King’s Ely, said: “Every one of these results is a reflection of hard work and a return to exam conditions with no quarter given for the disruption these children faced in their education in Years 8 and 9. In this light, our cohort can be very proud of themselves that they have done at least as well as previous generations, and can look forward to their chosen Sixth Form studies with confidence. I am delighted that as term starts in September our Sixth Form will be full of such well-motivated and genuinely nice people, to be joined by others from all over the world seeking the King’s Ely experience.”

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