Three of our Sixth Form students enjoyed an epic sailing adventure with the Tall Ships Youth Trust during the summer holidays!

Matthew Jackson, Disa Hellyer, and Tom Kirkpatrick, who are all in Year 13, were among a group of young people aged 16-25, who took on an eleven-night voyage exploring the Bay of Biscay.

Disa said: “It was one of the best weeks! We stopped off in a lot of really nice places, and the sail back across The Channel was rapid but really good fun. I have been invited to go back and do Watch Leader training, which I will definitely do.”

Matthew said: “It was a really enjoyable experience. I had no sailing experience beforehand, so this was completely out of my comfort zone. Although it was a challenge, it was an unforgettable trip. The encounters with dolphins and whales were certainly a highlight!”

Formed in 1956, Tall Ships Youth Trust is the UK’s oldest and largest youth development sail training charity. For more information, visit:

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