Our Year 2 King’s Ely Acremont Pre-Prep pupils were in their element exploring Cambridge University Botanic Garden!

The children’s current learning topic is entitled ‘From Icy Shores to Forest Floors’, so both our Year 2 classes headed to the Botanic Gardens to learn more about how plants have adapted over time to survive in harsher climates.

Rain failed to dampen our budding scientists’ spirits as they enjoyed tours of the gardens, learnt about some of the fascinating plants that grow there, and engaged in compelling workshops with staff.

The children discovered more about the ways that plants have adapted in order to survive in different environments, including some fabulous glow-in-the-dark plants that are pollinated by bats, and the less-endearing dog mess plant! They were also able to get up close to some incredible carnivorous plants, such as venus fly trap and pitcher plants.

A wonderful trip packed to the brim with investigative learning – thank you to everyone at the Botanic Gardens for your warmth and expertise!

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