We are thrilled to announce that three King’s Ely students have achieved places in the final of this year’s Young Fashion Designer UK competition!

Poppy Carter and Emillie Jerman have both been shortlisted in the Year 9 category of the national contest. Rose Vernon-Harcourt, who is in Year 12, is a finalist in the Years 12 and 13 category.

The talented Textile Design trio will be attending the finals at RGS Worcester with their families on Saturday, June 8th.

The competition was launched in 2010 by former Head of Textiles at Kent College Pembury, Karen Wintle, who wanted Fashion and Textile Design students to have their work recognised and judged by industry professionals in an annual national competition.

This year, entrants had to choose a classic fashion staple garment and consider how they could reuse or recycle it to make it appealing to the teenage consumer, and to help reduce the implications that throwaway ‘fast fashion’ continues to have on our environment.

Students had to create three separate slides – one researching their chosen garment and the ways in which they could reuse and recycle; one exploring techniques that they could introduce such as patterns and print, fabric manipulation, and construction ideas; and a third producing four design ideas that included their chosen classic fashion staple garment and link the techniques that they have explored.

Finalists were then invited to submit a 90-second video presentation in the style of a TikTok reel, telling the judges more about themselves, their fashion style and vision, and their Textiles skills.

On Saturday, Emillie, Poppy and Rose will not only discover if they have won, but they will get to meet and receive guidance from industry professionals and previous competition winners, and also take part in an ‘up-cycle challenge’ with other finalists.

Congratulations on reaching the final girls – have a fantastic time on Saturday!

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