‘Dino’, ‘Paddy’, ‘Fluffy’, and ‘Gingerbread’ were just some of the special “VIP guests” who attended our Teddy Bear’s Picnic at King’s Ely Acremont Nursery and Pre-Prep!

Children and staff in Nursery One, Nursery Two, and Reception brought in their favourite teddy bear or cuddly toy for the much-anticipated event, which is organised every year in the Summer Term, as part of our Transition Programme.

Our young Eleans and their fluffy friends enjoyed picnic snacks in the sunshine, teddy-themed music, a bear hunt, games, and races to catch a giant bear who cheekily ventured into the garden, aka Miss Darkens!

The event was held the day before ‘Move Up Morning’, which saw a feast of fun activities take place across school, as the end of the academic year draws closer and new experiences for many of our students in September approaches.

Mrs Faye Fenton-Stone, Head of Acremont Nursery and Pre-Prep, said: “In general, the atmosphere in both Nursery and Pre-Prep at Acremont is a cheerful and energetic one, and then comes Move Up Morning! This adds a whole extra topping of excitement and anticipation. The concept of new teacher, new classroom, and even a different floor of the House led to hugs, cheers, and big smiles. A very successful time was had by all and set the children up well for their new experiences in September.”

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