OUR Head Girl this year is Beth Carberry, who has been at King’s Ely since joining Nursery One.

Now in Year 13, Beth is studying Biology, Chemistry and Psychology for her A Levels. She said: “I am planning to read Nutrition and Dietetics at University. After my degree, I hope to become a clinical dietitian and work in the NHS.”

When asked what extra-curricular activities she is involved with in school, Beth said: “King’s has so many extra-curricular activities on offer and these have definitely fostered my passion for the arts. I am involved with a lot of sports at King’s and I love representing the school playing hockey and netball. I have also participated in numerous music groups and some of the school’s incredible drama productions.”

When asked what she is most looking forward to about being Head of School, Beth commented: “I am excited about all of the opportunities that come with being Head of School, but particularly engaging with the pupil voice and making a difference within our school’s diverse and vibrant community.”

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