Photography students get even more creative than usual during lockdown

July 14, 2020

OUR GCSE and A Level Photography students have really had to think outside the box during the lockdown period...

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Glorious sunshine for King’s Ely Junior’s action-packed Bubble Challenge!

July 14, 2020

KING’S Ely Junior’s ‘Bubble Challenge’ during the last week of term was filled with fun and blessed with beautiful...

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Avicenna Society meetings go ahead virtually thanks to enthusiastic students and staff

July 14, 2020

OUR weekly Avicenna Society presentations/discussions still took place throughout the Summer Term – albeit virtually! The society is for...

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DofE students clock up over 900 hours of volunteering in the local community!

July 14, 2020

WE are delighted to discover that between April 1st 2019 and March 31st 2020, our Duke of Edinburgh’s Award...

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Five minutes with… David Day, Chairman of Governors at King’s Ely

July 9, 2020

Full name: David John Day Where did you grow up? In various places as my dad was in the...

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Psychology students treated to end of term virtual cooking session with Diaspo!

July 8, 2020

OUR Year 12 Psychology students came together – virtually – for a cooking lesson with a twist! As a...

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‘Spaces of Meaning’ Photography Competition proves popular with Senior Geography students

July 8, 2020

CHECK out the fantastic entries that our Senior Geography students submitted for the Department’s Portrait Photography Competition! The theme...

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Sixth Form students enjoy Virtual Debate experience organised by Supreme Court

July 8, 2020

OUR Year 12 Government and Politics students took part in a Virtual Debate organised by the Supreme Court of...

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Fin’s charity hair cut raises over £200 for Hope4Malawi charity!

July 7, 2020

KING’S Ely Senior student, Findlay Hall, braved the shave for charity on July 3rd! Patrick Green, Housemaster of School...

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A message from Jonathan Shaw, Head of King’s Ely Senior

July 3, 2020

“WOW – we have finally made it to the end of the school year! Thank you for your support,...

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