Five minutes with... Miss Lauren Freeman, Key Stage 2 Teacher at King's Ely Prep from September 2024

King's Ely NEWS

Five minutes with... Miss Lauren Freeman, Key Stage 2 Teacher at King's Ely Prep from September 2024

October 3rd, 2024

Miss Lauren Freeman has joined King's Ely Prep as a Key Stage 2 Teacher.

As we do with all new staff joiners, we fired our 'Five Minutes With...' questions at Miss Freeman as a fun way for you all to get to know her a little better. Enjoy!

Your full name:

Lauren May Freeman

Where did you grow up?

I grew up in Ely.


I went to Sutton Primary School, Witchford Village College, Oakes College Cambridge, and the University of Winchester.

Your previous role and place of work:

This is my first teaching job! I completed my degree in June, and I have just started at King's.

What are you most looking forward to about your new role and working at King’s Ely?

Making my classroom a lovely space for the children, and I. Also, I am excited to shape little minds, and be a ‘magic weaver’ - a nice term my family use to describe teachers.

What did you want to be when you were growing up?

I have always wanted to be a teacher!

Hobbies/interests outside of school:

I love exploring new places and travelling – this year I travelled around Dubai, Switzerland, and Italy!

Any pets?

I have a Cocker Spaniel called Betsie.

What is your favourite meal/food?

I travelled Italy this summer, so I would have to say anything Italian!

If you could have a superpower, what would it be?

Teleportation – I would love to be able to shut my eyes on a gloomy day, make a wish, and end up in any place in the entire world.

Who is your hero?

My parents.

What is your proudest accomplishment?

Getting a First in my degree and qualifying as a teacher, which is something I have always dreamt of becoming.

What was the last book you read?

'You Choose' by Pippa Goodhart. My class love it!

What song are you most likely to sing at a karaoke?

'Dancing on the Ceiling' – Lionel Ritchie!

What is your favourite film?

'Inside Out'. I have put some of the characters up in my classroom for the children to show them that emotions are normal and okay – it is how we deal with them that matters.

If you could share a meal with any four individuals, living or dead, who would they be?

1.    My great granny – my mum always wishes I had met her.
2.    My great grandad – I would love to hear about his experiences during the war.
3.    Kate Winslet.
4.    William Wordsworth.

Name three things you would want with you if stranded on a desert island for a week:

1.    A good book,
2.    A bucket and spade,
3.    Sunglasses.