Five minutes with... Yanki Ertem, Co-Head of School for 2024-25

King's Ely NEWS

Five minutes with... Yanki Ertem, Co-Head of School for 2024-25

October 8th, 2024

In which year group did you join King’s?

I joined King's Ely Prep in Year 6.

What A-Level subjects are you studying?

Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Further Maths. 

What is your favourite subject and why?

It is very close between my options, but I would probably say Physics! I often find myself applying things I learned in lessons to day-to-day problems within my life. It gives me loads of “aha!” moments as well, which is always a good feeling.

What extra-curricular activities are you involved in at King’s? 

I am very involved in the Boat Club, which takes up a lot of my time outside school, but I still find time to play guitar in Jazz Band (and often on demand wherever else a guitar player is needed for school), as well as attend Da Vinci Club to help with the school’s Greenpower racing team. 

Describe King’s in three words:

Welcoming, supportive, rewarding.

How do you feel to have been appointed Co-Head of School?

I feel both excited and grateful. I am very lucky to have this opportunity alongside a great team to be working with this year, so there is a lot to look forward to!

What do you hope to achieve in your capacity as Co-Head of School? 

We have a few different goals as a team, but the one I am most passionate about personally is installing mental health prefects. Once this new group is in place, these prefects will act as pupil liaisons for the school’s excellent Wellbeing Team, as well as ensuring the resources available remain relatable and easily accessible for all.

What are your plans for after Sixth Form? Do you know what career you would like to pursue yet?

I am hoping to study Marine Engineering and Naval Architecture at University. From there, I can possibly see myself in the shipbuilding sector, but I will see what interests me most within the industry after my studies. 

Hobbies/interests outside of school:

ALL THINGS BOATS! I spend a lot of time on anything and everything that floats. More recently, I have also started training for triathlons, and I have really enjoyed my first event so far. It is not something I am taking particularly seriously but it helps me mix up the sort of training I do alongside Rowing, which keeps things more interesting. Variety is the spice of life after all! 

Any pets?

Not anymore, rest in peace lil bud :(

What is your favourite meal/food at King's?

Lasagna in the Old Palace Refectory! I do miss the sweet and sour chicken from the Monastic Barn sometimes though.

If you could have a superpower, what would it be?

Flight - it is an absolute classic for a reason. Even when I am not whizzing around, just hovering instead of standing would be cool enough. Reaching the top shelf would become so much easier too! 

Who is your hero?

Stevie Ray Vaughan. He overcame a lot of challenges throughout his life and always made a point of making something good from the inevitable difficulties of life. His resilience is admirable, and his example still helps people overcome addiction and mental health challenges to this day. He lives on through his music.

What is your proudest accomplishment?

Passing my RYA YachtMaster Offshore theory at age 15. It took two years of study from start to finish, but it was totally worth it.

What was the last book you read?

'The Left Hand of Darkness' by Ursula K. Le Guin. It is way ahead of its time in questioning and breaking down gender norms, and the ways in which we compartmentalise society.

What song are you most likely to sing at a karaoke?

'I’m Just Ken' - I would absolutely wear a mink coat for it too!

What is your favourite film?

'Forrest Gump'.

Do you have any phobias or fears?

Nothing irrational or interesting to be honest.

If you could share a meal with any four individuals, living or dead, who would they be?

Imogen Grant, John Mayer, Albert Camus, and Slavoj Žižek. It would be a wild group of four, but it would definitely make for good company and great conversations. 

Name three things you would want with you if stranded on a desert island for a week:

A guitar, a good book (or two), and a music player with all my playlists downloaded. I would figure out food, water, and shelter one way or another.