Five minutes with... Edie Thomson, Co-Head of School for 2024-25

King's Ely NEWS

Five minutes with... Edie Thomson, Co-Head of School for 2024-25

October 10th, 2024

In which year group did you join King’s?

I joined King's Ely Prep in Year 7. 

What A-Level subjects are you studying?

I am studying English Literature, Politics, and History.  

What is your favourite subject and why?

I really enjoy all my subjects, and I find them all so interesting for different reasons. I think if I had to pick a favourite however, it would probably be History. I really love the kind of debates the subject poses, and it is the subject that I am both the most involved in and intrigued by.

What extra-curricular activities are you involved in at King’s?

From my very first year at King’s, I have been lucky enough to be a part of every single one of the school's annual plays or musicals. My very first King’s Company production was the Years 5-8 musical, ‘Fame’, and the most recent was a play called ‘Radium Girls’, which we took to the Edinburgh Fringe. I am also a very proud member of the King’s Ely-te dance troupe, which was established when I was in Year 9. 

I am also in both the Chapel and Chamber Choirs, and have had incredible opportunities to tour Sicily and perform Evensong in St Paul’s Cathedral.

Sport is another area of school life that I really enjoy. Last year, I was fortunate to be selected for the Netball 1st Team and I had the chance to compete with a hugely talented group of girls. 

This year’s Martin Doyle Challenge also tested my physical and mental strength, and I could not have done it without my teammate, (one of our Deputy Heads of School), Nell.

Last but by no means least, Mr Currie’s 'Another Club' is something I attend every two weeks. It is a club which allows students to debate a variety of topics and themes, through different text forms, in an attempt to figure out what we can infer from them.

Describe King’s in three words:

Full of opportunity. 

How do you feel to have been appointed Co-Head of School?

It still does not feel real and honestly, I cannot believe that I am old enough to be a Head Girl! However, I am so unbelievably grateful for the opportunity and thrilled to be in a team with Yanki, Anna, and Nell. We all work so well together, and I am really excited to see what we can accomplish this year.

What do you hope to achieve in your capacity as Co-Head of School? 

Something I hope to implement this year is Tutor Group Prefects. Each Tutor Group will hopefully be assigned a Prefect who can be both a friendly face in the Sixth Form, offering advice and tips, but also be a line of communication, so that everyone across the Senior School feels their voice is heard. 

What are your plans for after Sixth Form? Do you know what career you would like to pursue yet?

My plan is to go to University to study History. As for my plans afterwards, I have a few. The idea of Academic History really intrigues, and I am also interested in the work that non-profit charities do, and then there is also the Civil Service, which again is something that has always really fascinated me. 

Hobbies/interests outside of school:

I work at St Catharine’s College, Cambridge, which I absolutely love! I know it is not a hobby but it is super fun. I listen to a few podcasts and read the occasional article, but I am lucky to pursue most of my hobbies and interests at school through the extra-curricular activities I have mentioned, as well as pre-season Netball training.

Any pets?

Yes! I have a dog called Arrietty, she is a Cockapoo and is 10 now. My sister also has two guinea pigs, called Dotty and Marmalade. Unfortunately, they actually scare me quite a lot, so I do not really see them that much. 

What is your favourite meal/food at King’s?

I honestly do not know if I can choose between the cheese and ham toastie, or the BBQ pulled pork wrap!

If you could have a superpower, what would it be?

Whilst I would love to be able to instantly solve world hunger and drought or end wars, I would also, selfishly, love to teleport. 

Who is your hero?

My parents, and whilst that may sound bias, they truly are the most wonderful people. 

What is your proudest accomplishment?

This might sound really cheesy but it is probably my friendships. I have some truly amazing people around me, and being able to call them my friends is something I am hugely proud to say. 

What was the last book you read?

Probably one from my English A-Level course. I have an awful habit of starting lots of books and then struggling to find the time to finish them all! ‘The Sense of an Ending’ by Julian Barnes was probably the last book I read cover to cover. 

What song are you most likely to sing at a karaoke?

 ‘Build Me Up Buttercup' by The Foundations. 

What is your favourite film?

Any Barbie film!

Do you have any phobias or fears?

I used to be terrified of the TV show, 'Grandpa in My Pocket'!  

If you could share a meal with any four individuals, living or dead, who would they be?

Rory Stewart and Alastair Campbell (who arguably should come as a package deal now), Emma of Normandy, Martin Luther King Jr, and Queen Elizabeth II. I would love to sit and listen to them talk about everything going on in the world today, and what they would do or change to better our current global situation. 

Name three things you would want with you if stranded on a desert island for a week:

Is it really pedantic to say my best friend, a helicopter, and a helicopter pilot?