Five minutes with... Anna Ost, Co-Deputy Head of School for 2024-25

King's Ely NEWS

Five minutes with... Anna Ost, Co-Deputy Head of School for 2024-25

October 14th, 2024

In which year group did you join King’s?

I joined King's Ely Acremont Pre-Prep in Year 2.

What A-Level subjects are you studying?

Chemistry, Maths, Further Maths, and Physics.

What is your favourite subject and why?

Chemistry! I love doing fun practicals and seeing how different reactants transform into products, especially when they explode.

What extra-curricular activities are you involved in at King’s?

Academically, I attend the Chemistry Olympiad Club, where we tackle challenging questions beyond the A-Level curriculum. I often go to Round Table Lectures, and Physics Lectures at the Cavendish Lab too. I also participate in several Music ensembles: String Orchestra, Orchestra, Spikes, Piano Quartet, Chamber Choir, and Chapel Choir, of which I am Co-Head. On the Sporting front, I am a keen Netballer and play for the 2nd Team.

Describe King’s in three words:

Thriving, encouraging, supportive.

How do you feel to have been appointed Co-Deputy Head of School?

I am very excited to have the opportunity to lead the school and (hopefully) make a difference!

What do you hope to achieve in your capacity as Co-Deputy Head of School? 

I would love to inspire more girls to pursue Science, especially Physics. As a Head of School team, we are also keen to further improve integration between all year groups, especially within extra-curriculars.

What are your plans for after Sixth Form? Do you know what career you would like to pursue yet?

I plan to apply for Chemistry with an integrated masters at University. I am not sure yet if I would like to stay in academia after that, but I would definitely love to do research and work in the lab.

Hobbies/interests outside of school:

I play the cello and piano, and I sing. I also like doing arts and crafts, and I always try to make any birthday cards for my friends from scratch. I read a lot too, and managed to get through 30 books during the summer holidays!

Any pets?

I have two incredibly fluffy cats called Tiko and Misty, who always manage to get their white fur all over my dark suits.

What is your favourite meal/food at King’s?

I love the Hong Kong style chicken in the Old Palace Refectory, as well as their pulled pork wraps.

If you could have a superpower, what would it be?

Invisibility would be pretty cool, as you could be a fly on the wall for some interesting conversations.

Who is your hero?

I do not have any particular heroes, but I admire women like Taylor Swift and Simone Biles, who have not only achieved magnificent things, but also use their platforms to advocate for feminism.

What is your proudest accomplishment?

I was very proud of my GCSE results, and also of achieving Merits in my recent ARSM Diplomas in cello and singing.

What was the last book you read?

'The Happy Ever After Playlist' by Abby Jimenez.

What song are you most likely to sing at a karaoke?

Whichever song is stuck in my head! If I had to choose though, I would probably say something by ABBA, like 'Mamma Mia'.

What is your favourite film?

'The Holiday', which I sometimes watch when it is not even Christmas!

Do you have any phobias or fears?

I am terrified of spiders and always have to get someone to kill them for me!

If you could share a meal with any four individuals, living or dead, who would they be?

I would love to meet some of my favourite comedians, like Lee Mack and Alex Horne, and from the past I would have to say some exceptional scientists, like Marie Curie and Rosalind Franklin.

Name three things you would want with you if stranded on a desert island for a week:

My kindle (with unlimited books of course), my cats, and an endless supply of chocolate.